Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Birthday Basket for Tía

A Birthday Basket for Tía by Pat Mora

This book is really neat because it tells a story through the eyes of a young Mexican-American girl. It is about a young girl named Cecelia who wants to give her Tía, or aunt, a special present for her ninetieth birthday. Her cat Chica helps her as she goes around the house filling her basket with things that remind her of Tía. Soon it is time for Tía's surprise party and when Cecelia gives Tía her birthday present, Chica jumps in the basket! Tía loves her present, and she and Cecelia dance together.
I think this book would be a great tool when discussing the differences between Mexican and American cultures, especially if there are students of Mexican descent in the classroom. It gives really good examples of ways that Mexican and American cultures are different through a story about a girl and her aunt. It would be really neat to ask any students of Mexican descent if they have ever made bizcochos, the cookies Cecelia makes with Tía, or if they ever drink hierbabuena, the tea Tía makes Cecelia when she is sick.

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